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ECM courses

Hand, Wrist Rehabilitation and Splint Packaging


Each of the educational projects offered stems from the idea of ​​including rehabilitation strategies for the different forms of pathological affections affecting the hand and wrist complex, in particular for four systems:


  1. Tendon apparatus

  2. Bone system

  3. Ligamentous apparatus

  4. Nervous system

These courses, specific on hand and wrist rehabilitation, have been carefully designed to address the conservative treatment of inflammatory tendon pathologies, to address the conservative treatment of pathologies inherent in the bones of the hand, to educate professionals in the rehabilitation area on the conservative treatment of more frequent pathologies affecting the ligaments and to train rehabilitation professionals in the conservative treatment of compressive pathologies of the nerves. The constant and indispensable use of the hand, the need to find the right balance between rehabilitation care and the patient's need to use it, mean that this district requires the presence of a specialist.

These events aim to provide a panorama of physiotherapy, rehabilitation and conservative treatments of tendon, bone, ligament and nerve pathologies of the hand, followed by a practical part of the laboratory where each participant learns not only the exercises and the most common rehabilitation techniques. but also the art of making thermoplastic braces. The course contents include notions of anatomy, knowledge of the most frequent syndromes of the hand, assessment procedures, treatment methods using manual techniques, splinting, self-treatment, taping, coban, therapeutic exercise and neurodynamics.


therefore provides a complete calendar on training courses on Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Hand, Wrist and Splint packaging and hosts all ECM courses to be held in Italy. Any kind of information can be found by clicking on the link linked to the course of interest, while for information and pre-registration, write in any case to or call 0761.221482 during office hours (Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm), while to consult the event programs click on the links below:

corso riabilitazione mano e confezioname
Neon Sfere
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